HC Deb 07 March 1939 vol 344 c1914
63. Mr. Johnston

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many Departments under his control will be accommodated in the new Government offices at Calton Hill, Edinburgh; and how many Departments and the approximate numbers of staff will require to be accommodated elsewhere?

Mr. Colville

The new buildings will, under present plans, provide for the headquarters staffs of the proposed Home Department (which will replace the Scottish Office, the Fishery Board and the Prisons Department), and of the Departments of Education and Agriculture; for part of the headquarters staff of the Department of Health; for the General Board of Control; and for a branch of the Stationery Office. The total staff to be accommodated will be about 1,300. The Insurance Division and other staff of the Department of Health (numbering in all about 300), the Registrar-General's Department (numbering about 60) and the Scottish Juvenile Welfare and After-Care Office (numbering about 20) will be accommodated elsewhere in Edinburgh. The legal and other non-administrative Departments will continue to occupy their present accommodation. These arrangements are, however, provisional, and the whole question is at present under review.