HC Deb 01 March 1939 vol 344 cc1257-8
58. Sir Irving Albery

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will seek powers at an early opportunity to control the erection of illuminated advertisements on motor roads?

Mr. Burgin

No, Sir. Legislation on the lines suggested by my hon. Friend would involve formidable difficulties, and I am not satisfied that it would be warranted in present circumstances. In this connection, I would refer to the reply which I gave to my hon. Friend on this subject on 12th December, 1938.

Sir I. Albery

Is the Minister aware of the extent to which this form of advertisement, and others, on the roads, is increasing and rapidly becoming a vested interest; and will he call for a report on the conditions existing on, in particular, the London-Maidstone Road? the Road Fund. The expenditure on new construction amounted to some £4,500,000.

Mr. Pilkington

Can the Minister say how many men are employed on this work?

Mr. Burgin

Not off-hand.

57. Mr. Pearson

asked the Minister of Transport the total amount of grants sanctioned for roads and bridge works in Glamorgan and Monmouth, respectively, for the past five years to dale; and what is the Ministry's annual loan charge contribution paid separately to these two authorities over the same period?

Mr. Burgin

As the answer contains a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the Official Report.

Following is the answer:

Mr. Burgin

Yes, Sir; if my hon. Friend draws my attention to a particular road, I shall certainly be pleased to have a report made. I have not at the moment received any evidence that these signs are an appreciable cause of accidents, though undoubtedly they are the cause of a great deal of annoyance.

Mr. Crossley

Does not the Minister think that these advertisers might contribute to the upkeep of the roads?

Mr. R. Gibson

Can the Minister say whether regulations regarding these signs are made in other countries, particularly in the United States?

Mr. Burgin

I should like to have notice of that question; I have not the information with me.