HC Deb 22 June 1939 vol 348 c2416

The following question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Miss WILKINSON.

9. To ask the Minister of Labour whether he will consider immediately putting an end to the office of Commissioner for the Special Areas, or at least making considerable alteration in the functions of his Department?

Miss Wilkinson

May I point out that this question has been so changed from what I wrote as to give an entirely opposite meaning? What I asked was, whether the Minister of Labour is considering, and not whether he will consider.

Mr. Brown

The answer is the same: It is, "No, Sir."

Miss Wilkinson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that at a dinner recently given to the Social Settlement, Cardiff, the senior officer of the settlement asked him to take some steps in view of the approaching winding-up of the office of the Special Commissioner?

Mr. Brown

I have given my answer.

Miss Wilkinson

May I send the right hon. Gentleman this document?

Mr. Brown

Yes, if the hon. Member cares to do so.