HC Deb 22 June 1939 vol 348 cc2448-51
65. Viscountess Astor

asked the Minister of Health the number of parishes in each county which have a piped water-supply, and the number without such a piped supply?

Mr. Elliot

I will, with permission, circulate the statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Viscountess Astor

If there are many of these villages without running water, would not the Government consider taking £1,000,000 off the Wheat Subsidy for the purpose of supplying them? That would still leave it at £9,000,000.

Mr. De la B ère

Does not my right hon. Friend recall what I said last week, that the whole position is thoroughly unsatisfactory, including my Noble Friend's suggestion?

Following is the statement:

County. Number of parishes in the county. Number of parishes in the county with a "piped" water supply (including those in which the provision of a piped supply has been commenced). Number of parishes in the county without a "piped" water supply.
Bedford 116 109 7
Berks. 176 147 29
Bucks. 201 193 8
Cambridge 127 82 45
Cheshire 318 310 8
Cornwall 175 87 88
Cumberland 145 142 3
Derby 256 191 65
Devon 404 189 215
Dorset 257 180 77
Durham 168 148 20
Essex 290 242 48
Gloucester 297 236 61
Hereford 244 111 133
Herts. 116 111 5
Huntingdon 80 48 32
Isle of Ely 27 24 3
Isle of Wight 15 15 Nil
Kent 297 286 11
Lancs. 236 227 9
Leicester 216 110 106
Lincs. (Holland) 43 43 Nil
Lincs. (Kesteven 154 119 35
Lincs. (Lindsey) 408 199 209
Norfolk 523 133 390
Northampton 256 155 101
North Cumberland 449 305 144
Nottingham 229 176 53
Oxford 233 130 103
Peterboro 24 22 2
Rutland 57 23 34
Salop 226 127 99
Somerset 395 361 34
Southampton 238 150 88
Stafford 173 149 24
Suffolk East 306 113 193
Suffolk West 167 61 106
Surrey 67 67 Nil
Sussex East 128 97 31
Sussex West 128 112 16
Warwick 232 133 99
Westmorland 100 74 26
Wiltshire 264 170 94
Worcester 181 84 97
Yorks (East Riding) 196 187 9
Yorks North Riding) 505 374 131
Yorks (West Riding) 451 381 70
Totals 10,294 7,133 3,161
Anglesey 55 21 34
Brecon 81 66 15
Cardigan 72 56 16
Caernarvon 40 33 7
Carmarthen 63 46 17
Denbigh 72 66 6
Flint 41 34 7
Glamorgan 115 104 11
Merioneth 34 29 5
Monouth 59 45 14
Montgomery 51 28 23
Pembroke 150 76 74
Radnor 59 17 42
Totals 892 621 271