HC Deb 20 June 1939 vol 348 cc1993-4
12. Miss Ward

asked the President of the Board of Trade what has been the nationality, and the number of ships of each nationality, which have discharged cargoes in the United Kingdom for Government account during the period 1st January, 1939, to the 31st May, 1939?

Mr. Stanley

With the exception of one ship which brought wheat from Rumania, under arrangements of which the House is aware, no foreign ships arriving in the United Kingdom between 1st January, 1939 and 31st May, 1939 were chartered by the Government. Certain foreign ships have, however, arrived with cargoes purchased by trade organisations for Government account when afloat or after shipping arrangements had been completed by private shippers. I am circulating in the Official Report a list showing the nationality and number of ships concerned. I am not in a position to give complete particulars of ships which carried cargoes purchased by the Government on c.i.f. terms, of purchases under running contracts, or of coastwise shipments.

Miss Ward

In view of the necessity for doing everything that is possible to encourage British shipping, will my right hon. Friend have an inquiry made into the whole question whether it would be possible to carry more goods in British bottoms?

Mr. Stanley

I do not think an inquiry is necessary. I have said that no foreign ships are chartered by the Government, but, as I have explained before, in dealing with a matter like this it is often necessary to purchase cargoes afloat, and in such cases, of course, the nationality of the ship may be foreign.

Miss Ward

I did not mean that the inquiry should be limited simply to Government-chartered ships, but that it should extend to all ships.

Mr. Stanley

I have recently received a long communication from the British shipping interests on this matter, and it is after consideration of their representations that legislation is being introduced.

Following is the list:

Nationality and number of ships which arrived with cargoes for Government reserves between 1st January, 1939, and 31st May, 1939, so far as details are available:

British 43
Norwegian 5
Greek 4
Yugo-Slavian 1
Belgian 1
Rumanian 1
Latvian 1
German 1