HC Deb 14 June 1939 vol 348 cc1296-7
45. Mr. Kirby

asked the Prime Minister whether he proposes to grant Parliamentary time to allow discussion on the Motion on the Order Paper in the names of six Liverpool Members on the subject of excessive unemployment in Liverpool; and, if not, what are the reasons for the adverse decision having in mind the fact that the Motion has been tabled for several months?

[That this House requests the Government to give early consideration to the insistent appeal of the ratepayers of the City of Liverpool that the Government should give immediate assistance to effect a reduction in the rates, reduce the number of persons unemployed, and by expediting air-raid precautions and road and bridge building prepare the city and port to meet fully its important role in the event of national emergency.]

The Prime Minister

In view of the state of public business I can hold out no hope of time being given for the Motion referred to in the hon. Member's question.

Mr. Kirby

Am I to take it from that that it is the intention of the Government not to allow Private Members' Motions to be discussed?

The Prime Minister

I do not think the hon. Member should read into my answer any thing more than it said.