HC Deb 13 June 1939 vol 348 cc1086-7
30. Mr. Mander

asked the President of the Board of Trade the quantities of tinned fish exported by Japan to this country in each of the last three years and up to the latest available date this year?

Mr. Stanley

With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate such information as is available in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Mander

As I am only asking for four figures would it not be possible to give them now?

Mr. Stanley

Perhaps I have over estimated the hon. Member's curiosity. I have given him figures for a number of different types of fish.

Mr. Mander

Is it not the case that there has been a considerable increase in Japanese exports to this country, and would not the British public be rendering considerable service to China in her resistance to Japanese aggression by declining to purchase these exports?

Mr. Stanley

I have not yet got the figures for 1938, but the figures for 1937 in particular show a very considerable decline on those for 1936.

Following is the information:

Statement showing the quantity of Tinned Fish exported from Japan to the United Kingdom in the years 1936 and 1937.
(Abstracted from Official Japanese Trade Returns.)
Descriptions. 1936. 1937.
100 Kin. 100 Kin.
Comestibles in Tin
Crabs 57.421 47,280
Salmon and Trout 353.535 334.069
Tuna Fish 52 320
Tomato Sardines 17.055 19,080
Sardines, other 53 1
Mackerel 14 143
Herrings 5.725 5,170
Other Fish 29 121
Abalones (or Awabi) 7 6
Other Shell Fish 2 38
Total 433.893 406,228
(1)Similar particulars are not yet available for any period subsequent to 1937.
(2)100 kin.=132.28 lbs.