HC Deb 12 June 1939 vol 348 cc880-1
12. Mr. Noel-Baker

asked the Prime Minister whether His Majesty's Government will consult the Government of Switzerland with a view to ensuring that no assets of the Czecho-Slovakian Government shall be transferred to Germany until de jure recognition has been given to the German conquest of Czecho-Slovakia?

Mr. Butler

I presume the hon. Member refers to assets held by the Bank of International Settlements, and I would refer him to the statement which my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer made in the House on 5th June. This statement explained why the Governments parties to the agreement under which the Bank was set up are unable to interfere in the disposal of funds held by the Bank. It follows that no useful purpose would be served by consultation with the Swiss Government in the matter.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Does that mean that the statutes of the Bank override the fundamental rule of International law that no assets shall be given to a State until de jure recognition of a conquest has been granted?

Mr. Butler

I mean what the Chancellor of the Exchequer said, that it is impossible for a Government which is party to the agreement under which the Bank was set up, to interfere in the disposal of funds held by the Bank.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Is not the international rule to which I have referred part of the municipal law of every country which agrees to it, and that it is bound to apply it? Are we not, therefore, entitled to ask for the co-operation of the Swiss Government, to see that funds are not transferred?

Mr. Butler

I have given the hon. Member the terms of the convention to which the Swiss Government is a party, and I have given the interpretation which we place upon the question.

Mr. Benn

Will the right hon. Gentleman inform the House of the votes which were given by the British representatives?

Mr. Butler

I cannot add to previous statements.

Mr. Benn

Why cannot we know?