HC Deb 31 July 1939 vol 350 c1930
23. Miss Wilkinson

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware of the large number of executions of men who held any kind of responsible position in the territory of the loyalist Government of Spain; and whether, in view of his desire for better relations between this country and Spain, he will call the attention of General Franco to the bad effect such executions will have on these relationships?

Mr. Butler

According to my Noble Friend's information the death penalty is being imposed in cases of murder and other crimes of violence. The second part of the question does not appear to arise.

Miss Wilkinson

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether the information in his possession comes only from Francoist sources, and whether he is not aware that the information in the possession of everybody else has stated clearly that large numbers of important people, whose sole crime is that they supported a Government legitimately elected, are being executed for that crime; and will he undertake to get some information from more responsible sources?

Mr. Butler

The sources from which His Majesty's Government get their information are essentially responsible. Perhaps the hon. Lady may be able to give me information from her own sources. I appreciate the seriousness of the cases she has in mind.

Miss Wilkinson

Has not the source from which the right hon. Gentleman has given information repeatedly to this House proved, in fact, never to have been really accurate?