HC Deb 20 July 1939 vol 350 cc692-3
31. Mr. Dunn

asked the Minister of Labour when he proposes to lay the regulations before this House consequent upon the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1939, and if before doing so he will have regard to the anxiety prevailing amongst the workmen in the coalmining industry, due to penalty clauses inserted in district agreements to the detriment of workmen, and which are being resented by workmen?

Mr. E. Brown

Provisional Regulations under Section 1 (8) of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1939, were laid before the House on 17th July, and the advantage which their provisions confers takes effect from the same date. The other Regulations under Section 1 of the Act cannot come into operation until 18th January, 1940, and will be laid before Parliament after a draft has been submitted to the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee and their report thereon has been received. The Committee will be open to receive representations on the matter to which the hon. Member refers in the last part of his question.

Mr. Dunn

Is the Minister aware that in some parts of the country, in connection with the coal mining industry, there is great anxiety consequent on the arrangements that are being made locally, and the fear that these are likely to lead to serious hardship in certain large coalfields?

Mr. Brown

That is a wider question, but I think my answer covers the point. There is plenty of time for representations to be made on the general position. The regulations now laid deal with the actual situation which would arise because of decisions in particular cases.