§ Mr. Arthur Greenwood(by Private Notice) asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that the increasing burden of the cost of the maintenance of refugees in the various countries of refuge makes it extremely difficult for the voluntary organisations in these countries to find the sums required for emigration overseas; and whether in view of this situation, His Majesty's Government are prepared to reconsider the recommendation of the Evian Meeting that the Governments of the countries of refuge and settlement should not assume any obligations for the financing of involuntary emigration?
§ The Prime MinisterYes, Sir. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom have given very careful consideration to the serious situation which has come about in connection with the cost of the maintenance and emigration of refugees. It is clearly necessary that large sums should be raised for the emigration of refugees, but in existing circumstances it is impossible for the private organisations to find these sums in the measure requisite for a satisfactory solution of the problem. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom have, therefore, reached the conclusion that, unless the work of the Committee is to be seriously obstructed and the countries of refuge are to be left with large numbers of refugees who cannot be absorbed, it will be necessary to depart from the principle agreed unanimously at Evian, that no participating Government would give direct financial assistance to refugees.
His Majesty's Government are, for their part, examining the manner and extent to which private subscription to an individual fund to assist in defraying the expenses of overseas emigration of refugees might be encouraged by Government participation, possibly on a basis proportionate to the amount of private subscription. The United Kingdom Representative on the Inter-Governmental Committee will invite his colleagues to lay these considerations before their Governments and to communicate their views to him without delay. If other Govern- 407 ments are prepared to agree to this change of principle, and to co-operate in such participation, His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom will take the initiative in proposing a scheme for the purpose.