HC Deb 19 July 1939 vol 350 cc388-9
42. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the Departmental estimate of the natural increase in population in Palestine, showing the difference between the Jewish and Arab sections?

Mr. M. MacDonald

The present Arab rate of natural increase is estimated at 23.75 Per thousand and the Jewish rate at 20.53 Per thousand. It is estimated that by 1948 the Arab rate of natural increase will have decreased to 20.77 Per thousand; the Jewish rate of natural increase remaining constant at 20.53. Thereafter it is expected that the Jewish rate will begin to exceed the Arab rate.

Mr. Williams

Can the right hon. Gentleman say on what basis the calculation has been made?

Mr, MacDonald

It is on the same sort of basis as that used when these statistics are worked out in this country or in other countries. I am sorry if the hon. Member has been disappointed by the nature of the reply.

Mr. Crossley

Do not these figures show the need for a drastic reduction of immigration?

Mr. Williams

Is not the reply just given by the right hon. Gentleman contradictory of the information provided to this House and to the world in the report which was issued?

Mr. MacDonald

I have answered the hon. Member's question as to the basis on which the official figures are presented. I do not think these figures are in conflict with other official figures which have been published.