HC Deb 19 July 1939 vol 350 cc386-7
67. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the ban on immigration to Palestine refers only to the normal schedule, or whether it includes refugees?

Mr. M. MacDonald

The decision that, on account of the volume of illegal immigration, no immigration quota can be issued for the next six months period covers all immigrants.

Mr. Williams

Do we understand that refugees from Germany or elsewhere will be excluded, notwithstanding the figures referred to in the White Paper?

Mr. MacDonald

The policy followed from the White Paper. If we had adopted any other policy, we should have been departing from the White Paper policy.

Mr. Woods

Does that exclude students who come to England to study and preclude them from returning to Palestine?

Mr. MacDonald

That is another matter, and probably there is a difference between one individual case and another, but I think the ordinary Palestine citizens who come to this country for a period of study are always free to go back to Palestine in accordance with the regulations.

Mr. Lipson

Will that ban apply to children also?

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