HC Deb 19 July 1939 vol 350 cc383-4
37. Mr. James Hall

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies why a deportation order was made against J. Liftshitz; why he was allowed to reside in Palestine for five years after the order was made; and why the chief secretary, on 28th July, 1938, stated that the Government would not revoke the deportation order?

Mr. M. MacDonald

The deportation order was issued after Liftshitz had been sentenced by the British magistrate at Haifa to six months' imprisonment with a recommendation for deportation on account of seditious activities. But he has been allowed to continue to reside in Palestine, since the Government of Soviet Russia, his country of origin, have refused to authorise his admission to their territory. In view of his past record, the High Commissioner is not prepared to revoke the deportation order against him.

Mr. Hall

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that during the five years that the deportation order has been suspended the man's character has been satisfactory, and why has it been taken up at the end of that period?

Mr. MacDonald

I should require notice before I could give an answer regarding his behaviour during the five years. With regard to the second point, I have answered that in the main answer.