HC Deb 12 July 1939 vol 349 cc2222-3
29. Sir W. Jenkins

asked the Minister of Transport whether there are any steps taken to proceed with the Severn Bridge scheme in preparing plans, estimates, etc., as a matter of necessity between England and Wales for transport purposes and an opening between South of England and South Wales; and whether he will take the responsibility for carrying out the scheme?

Captain Wallace

My predecessor informed the Gloucestershire County Council in February of this year that he was prepared to make a grant of 75 per cent, towards the cost of a further investigation which is now proceeding as to the best means of crossing the River Severn below Gloucester by bridge or by tunnel. The responsibility for carrying out a scheme rests with the local authorities. In view of the need for concentrating the financial resources of the country upon its most urgent requirements, and particularly upon defensive armaments, I am not in a position at present to offer a contribution towards the cost of constructing a crossing.

Mr. A. Jenkins

Is not that reply contrary to that which was given by the Minister's predecessor? I understood that, provided that the local authorities could agree upon a scheme, the Government were prepared to pay 75 per cent.

Captain Wallace

If the hon. Gentleman will read my answer and the reply of my predecessor he will see that they are perfectly consistent.

Mr. James Griffiths

Does that answer indicate that the Government are not now prepared to give financial assistance towards a scheme for a Severn bridge, even if the scheme is agreed upon by the local authorities?

Captain Wallace

Not at the present time, and bearing in mind the present financial position. A very clear answer was given by my right hon. Friend a few months ago.

Mr. David Grenfell

Does not the right hon. and gallant Gentleman agree that the provision of a tunnel or a bridge—particularly a tunnel—would in itself be an important contribution to National Defence and food supply?

Captain Wallace

Yes, Sir, but where are we to get the money?