HC Deb 11 July 1939 vol 349 c2201

11.2 p.m.

Mr. Ammom

I beg to move in page 43, line 21, at the end, to add: Provided that if the Minister certifies to the county council that a person so appointed to act as medical officer of health has failed to send to the Minister such reports and returns as are for the time being required by the regulations made under this Part of this Act respecting the duties of medical officers of health to be so sent, the said sum equal to one-half of the salary of that person shall be forfeited to the Crown, and shall be paid into the Exchequer and not to the borough council. Hon. Members will see that these words are included in the printed copy of the Bill and underlined. It is necessary to move the Amendments in this form, because these words are privileged and could not be inserted in another place.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clauses 85 to 93 ordered to stand part of the Bill.