HC Deb 11 July 1939 vol 349 cc2061-3
72. Mr. T. Smith

asked the Secretary of State for War whether there has been any inquiry into the complaints already made regarding the conditions prevailing at Bordon Camp; whether he is aware that the Reservists upon returning from a wet march have had no change from their wet shirts; that they have been under canvas during the recent wet weather although there are large vacant barracks adjacent; that complaints are being received from the Bridging Camp, Wyke Regis, with regard to insufficient food, badly served, and the wearing of wet clothes; and whether he intends to have exhaustive inquiries made into these grievances with a view to their rectification?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

Arrangements have been made for the issue of a third shirt to all Reservists, and for the issue of a second suit of uniform to all Reservists except those employed on sedentary duties. As regards vacant barracks, I think the hon. Member is referring to huts which are now being reconditioned, and are not at present ready for occupation. One of the units at Wyke Regis experienced some temporary difficulty in its messing arrangements, owing to the transfer from central messing to camp messing. If the hon. Member will bring to my notice any specific complaints not already dealt with, I shall be very glad to make inquiries.

Mr. Smith

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in addition to the statements contained in the question being correct, since the question appeared on the Order Paper men at Bordon Camp have been threatened with punishment if they made any complaints? Will he have an inquiry made at both these camps with regard to the conditions, and will he circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a specimen diet?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I should be very reluctant to believe that any man was threatened with punishment because of a question put by the hon. Gentleman. If he can demonstrate to me that that is the case, I shall take proper steps in the matter. The Army diet sheet is well known, but if the hon. Gentleman wants particulars I shall be most ready to send them to him.

Mr. Smith

Will the right hon. Gentleman believe me when I say that this question was put down in all good faith, and was based on complaints by Reservists at the camp? When one gets 40 or 50 Reservists at the camp making a complaint, I think it is time there was an inquiry.

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I think I have shown responsiveness to the fact that the hon. Member's questions are put down in good faith by issuing an extra shirt to the Reservists.