§ 57. Mr. Viantasked the First Commissioner of Works whether he will give an assurance that the money voted by Parliament for the normal upkeep of royal parks 1807 will not in future be used to make good damage and wear and tear caused by horse riding in Richmond Park, thereby impoverishing the general maintenance, but will arrange for any such costs to be met entirely by licence fees of horse riders?
§ The First Commissioner of Works (Mr. Ramsbotham)The licence fees which it is proposed to introduce are intended as a contribution towards the costof repairing the damage done by riding in the park generally and towards the maintenance of the riding track. The initial cost of forming the latter could hardly be met entirely by the proceeds of fees, which have purposely been fixed on such a scale as it is felt that riding masters and others are in a position to pay, but there should not be any considerable disproportion between the fees received and the cost of repairing wear and tear in the park and the maintenance of the track.
§ Mr. MacquistenBefore my hon. Friend reduces the cost to people who can afford horse riding, could he not reduce the charge for seats to the old figure of 1d. from the present extortionate charge of 2d.?