§ 66. Mr. Graham Whiteasked the Minister of Health what progress has been made in implementing the provisions of the Camps Act?
68. Mr. Creech Jonesasked the Minister of Health how many camps under the Camps Act have been started, and where; how many are likely to be constructed and to what purpose they are to be put; and whether he has given any direction to the Camps Corporation to proceed only with school camps?
§ 78. Mr. Hepworthasked the Minister of Health whether any of the evacuation camps have yet been started; whether all the sites have been selected; and whether he is certain, both in the interests of public protection and of employment for the younger people, that sufficient energy is being shown in their provision?
§ Mr. ElliotAs the answer is somewhat long I will circulate it in the Official Report.
§ Following is the answer:
§ The National Camps Corporation, Limited, which has been recognised as the operative company for England and Wales under the Camps Act, 1939, has considered 155 sites for camps, all of which have been personally inspected by either the 'chairman or the managing director, 1485 and the majority also by departmental officers. Between 30 and 40 camps are likely to be constructed in England and Wales. They are to be used as school camps in peace time and as evacuation camps in time of war The Camps Corporation are required, by the terms of their agreement, so far as possible to give preference in letting the camps to education authorities desiring to use them as school camps. Thirty sites have so far been found suitable. Two have been given to the corporation, and the others have either been purchased, or are the subject of negotiations for purchase. The camps are being built of standardised units which have been designed by Mr. Tait, of Messrs. Sir John Burnet Tait and Lone, consulting architects to the corporation. All the buildings are of Canadian cedar with cedar shingle roofs. Each camp will be laid out on the site by an architect chosen from a panel drawn up in conjunction with the Royal Institute of British Architects. The contracts for making the woodwork for 30 camps were let on 22nd May to four different firms. The delivery of these units has already begun, and, proceeding at the rate of two or three a week, will be spread over some four months. The construction of four camps has been started, one in Hampshire, one in Buckinghamshire, and two in Oxfordshire. It is hoped that seven more will be begun in the course of the next fortnight. The contracts for the other camps will be let as the plans for the layout of the camps are approved. In all cases the local authorities are being consulted, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of the Camps Act. It is anticipated that the first camp will be completed by the end of August, and I am satisfied that all possible expedition is being used.