§ 2. Mr. Tinkerasked the Secretary for Mines the number of inspections made by His Majesty's inspectors this year in Lancashire; and the number made on afternoon shifts and on night shifts?
§ Mr. LloydDuring the current year up to 24th June, His Majesty's inspectors of mines and quarries have made 888 1086 inspections in Lancashire. Three of these were at metalliferous mines, and 115 at quarries. The remaining 770 were at mines under the Coal Mines Acts, and included 144 on afternoon and 137 on night shifts.
§ Mr. TinkerDoes the percentage of afternoon and night inspections compare favourably with that for last year, and if it does not, will the Minister urge the inspectors to increase these inspections?
§ Mr. LloydYes, Sir. There has been a very substantial increase in the number of afternoon and night inspections.