HC Deb 28 February 1939 vol 344 c1062
31. Mr. J. Morgan

asked the President of the Board of Trade the quantity of sulphate of ammonia exported in a form suitable for use as an agricultural fertiliser during 1938 and at what average f.o.b. price?

Mr. Stanley

During the year 1938, exports from the United Kingdom of sulphate of ammonia amounted to 313,000 tons, of an average declared value (f.o.b.) of £6 11s. 1d. per ton. I understand that all the sulphate of ammonia exported is in a state suitable for use as an agricultural fertiliser.

Mr. Morgan

Has the right hon. Gentleman any information which indicates the comparative price at which sulphate of ammonia is sold to the farmers?

Mr. Stanley

I could not answer without notice.