HC Deb 20 February 1939 vol 344 cc29-31
52. Mr. Hicks

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether, having regard to the fact that many industries in the country are highly organised and are served by joint machinery for regulating the relationships in the industry and are capable of dealing with wide industrial problems, he proposes to consult such bodies to ascertain the facilities they can place at the service of the country in the matter of civilian defence?

The Lord Privy Seal (Sir John Anderson)

Yes, Sir. I am in touch with a number of representative organisations for this purpose, including the joint council representing employers and operatives in the industry with which the hon. Member is associated. I have received from the joint council and from other bodies offers of the fullest co-operation, of which I shall be glad to take advantage.

Mr. Hicks

Is the Lord Privy Seal proposing to extend that to other industries that may be helpful, and has he any in mind?

Sir J. Anderson

Yes, Sir.

53. Mr. Noel-Baker

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will make arrangements to have the Finsbury Borough Council's exhibition on air raid shelters shown, for the benefit of Members of the House, in Westminster Hall or in a Committee room upstairs?

Sir J. Anderson

I will consider the hon. Member's suggestion, but clearly the first action necessary is to subject the scheme, which was submitted to my Department barely two weeks ago, to the necessary technical examination. This is already in progress.

Mr. Shinwell

Meanwhile, what is the right hon. Gentleman going to do about the uncompleted trenches in the public parks?

Sir J. Anderson

That work is in progress.

Mr. Noel-Baker

In view of the interest aroused by the Finsbury exhibition and the very careful work done by the borough architect, is it not desirable that hon. Members should have an opportunity of seeing it themselves here?

Sir J. Anderson

I have already answered that question.

Mr. Garro Jones

Which Minister or Ministers are responsible for accepting or rejecting this scheme?

Sir J. Anderson

The responsibility is mine.