HC Deb 07 February 1939 vol 343 cc742-3
45. Mr. Mander

asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider the advisability of paying a visit to the President of the United States of America, as a continuation of his recent visits to national leaders.

The Prime Minister (Mr. Chamberlain)

My visits to other countries have in all cases been in connection with special circumstances, and although I should gladly extend them it must be remembered that the absence of the Prime Minister from the country for more than a brief interval gives rise to a good deal of inconvenience which it is desirable to avoid.

Mr. Mander

Does not the Prime Minister feel that there might be great public advantages in making personal contact with this vigorous democratic leader—the greatest man in the world at the present time?

The Prime Minister

I understood that the hon. Member in asking a supplementary question just now, was illustrating the inconveniences of having the Prime Minister abroad from this country.

Mr. Charles Williams

Has the Prime Minister noticed that everyone nowadays recognises the value of his visits?