HC Deb 14 December 1939 vol 355 cc1262-3
57. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that advertisements are appearing in the provincial Press to the effect that Land Army girls are available for employment; whether these advertisements are being paid for from State funds; and whether it is a standing instruction that members of the Women's Land Army are not to compete with local available labour?

Sir W. Womersley

Women's Land Army county committees have been instructed to take all practicable steps to make known in their county the existence of the Women's Land Army organisation, and the availability of trained Women's Land Army workers; in some cases the issue of advertisement notices in the Press has been thought to be a useful way of bringing this to the notice of farmers, and where this has been done the cost involved, which is small, falls to be paid for out of public funds, as part of the administration of the Women's Land Army. All Women's Land Army county committees have been instructed to cooperate closely with their Employment Exchanges in placing women volunteers so as to ensure that the vacancies filled by them are such as cannot be filled from normal sources.

Mr. Williams

Why, since the county executives are supposed to be in close contact with the various Employment Exchanges, is it found necessary to advertise the fact that certain land workers are available; and is it not the duty of the Employment Exchange manager to meet all the calls that are made by farmers in the ordinary way?

Sir W. Womersley

It is certainly the duty of the managers of the Employment Exchanges, but I do not see any reason why we should not help them in their work by advertising. In rural areas they are not in such close touch as in the towns.

Mr. Williams

Is it not the case that a farmer who requires agricultural labour can make application to the exchange or the county agricultural executive, and that there is no necessity for advertising?

Sir W. Womersley

There would still be an advantage in advertising.

Mr. Sorensen

How many of these trained land army units are available?

Sir W. Womersley

That is another question.