HC Deb 12 December 1939 vol 355 cc1138-9

Ordered, That a Select Committee be appointed to assist Mr. Speaker in the arrangements for the Report of Debates and to inquire into the expenditure on stationery and printing for this House and the public services generally."—[Mr. James Stuart.]

Mr. DEPUTY-SPEAKER (Colonel Clifton Brown) proceeded to put successively the names of the Members of the Committee on the Order Paper.

8.23 p.m.

Mr. Davidson

I desire to raise a similar point with regard to the composition of this Committee.

Mr. Deputy-Speaker (Colonel Clifton Brown)

I am afraid that I must interrupt the hon. Member. No Amendment can be moved except to one particular name. That is the Ruling which has been laid down.

Mr. Davidson

In order to be able to say what I want to say, I should like to move that none of the Members whose names are on the Order Paper should be on this particular Committee.

Mr. Deputy-Speaker

The hon. Member can say, "No," when the Question is put.

Mr. Davidson

I desired to move that the name of Sir Nairne Stewart Sandeman be removed from the Committee.

Mr. Deputy-Speaker

The only Amendment that can be moved is to the last name on the list of Members of the Committee—Mr. Charles Williams.

Mr. Davidson

Then I should like to move that the name of Mr. Charles Williams be removed from the Committee. This is a Committee which deals with the very important question of the publication of the Debates. As I have already said, there are 73 Scottish Members in this House, many of whom speak with a good Scottish accent, and there ought to be representatives of Scotland on such a Committee to ensure that anything they say in the House may be adequately and completely reported by those having a full knowledge of their language. I think it is a disgrace that there is not on this Committee a Scottish Member of the Opposition. It is an indication of this Government's complete lack of knowledge of the needs of the House of Commons that they put forward a Committee such as this without giving adequate representation to the nation upon whom they depend so much when they are in need. Having said that, I respectfully withdraw my objection to the last name on the list.

Committee nominated of Sir Reginald Clarry, Mr. Cluse, Sir Francis Fremantle, Mr. Isaacs, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Mervyn Manningham-Buller, Dr. Morrison, Mr. Naylor, Sir Nairne Stewart Sandeman, Rear-Admiral Sir Murray Sueter, Mr. Graham White, and Mr. Charles Williams.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to report from time to time.

Ordered, That Three be the quorum."—[Mr. J. Stuart.]