HC Deb 12 December 1939 vol 355 cc1005-6
29. Mr. Mander

asked the Secretary of State for War the number of officers who have been given commissions, or approved for commissions, since the war started who have been educated at public elementary schools?

Sir V. Warrender

I regret that the information asked for is not available.

Mr. Mander

Would not information of this kind be exceedingly interesting as showing the democratic character of officers in the Army at the present time, and is it not possible to obtain it?

Sir V. Warrender

Everybody knows that the system for provision of officers for the Army could hardly be more democratic than it is.

Mr. H. Morrison

Is there a record in the War Office of the educational qualifications of officers of His Majesty's Army?

Sir V. Warrender

I suppose this information could be obtained, but it would require great labour to do it, and I am reluctant to impose this burden on the Department in these days.

38. Mr. Ammon

asked the Secretary of State for War on what grounds candidates for commissions in possession of Part I of Certificate A are accepted as qualified to be dealt with by the joint recruiting board of some universities and public schools, while others demand full Certificate A?

Sir V. Warrender

Candidates for commissions between the ages of 18 and 31 were eligible for acceptance by reception units if they were in possession of full Certificate A, or, in the case of resident university undergraduates and graduates under the age of 25, if they were recommended by the joint recruiting boards which were set up at universities and university colleges to deal with this group of candidates. In the latter case, the possession of a military certificate was not a necessary qualification. Acceptance of candidates for commissions under this procedure ceased on 21st October, and all further candidates for commissions, other than those enrolled in the Army Officers Emergency Reserve, are now selected from the ranks.