HC Deb 06 December 1939 vol 355 cc643-5
48. Mr. Dunn

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he will give an assurance that, in any rationing of food scheme afterwards to be fixed, he will have regard to the needs of sick and invalid people; and whether, under doctor's orders, essential foodstuffs can be substituted for non-essential foods within the scheme and increased or decreased accordingly?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which my hon. Friend gave to the hon. Member for Aberdare (Mr. George Hall) on 30th November.

60. Sir Percy Harris

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether it is proposed under the rationing scheme to allow wholesale suppliers of bacon and ham to allot to their retail customers a weight of meat in excess of the permitted quantity to allow for bones, drafts and natural shrinkage?

Mr. Morrison

The weight of bacon and ham allotted to wholesalers, and through them delivered to retailers, will be sufficient to give every registered consumer the full ration weight of bacon and ham free of bone. All shrinkages, natural and otherwise, will be allowed for in the price schedules.

Mr. Paling

What is being done to give retailers equality of supplies?

Mr. Morrison

As I have stated in the House before, I hope, by using the information that can be produced from the registration, to improve the allocation of supplies.

Mr. Paling

Is it not a fact that lots of shops can get no bacon at all, while others can get almost as much as they like?

61. Lieut.-Colonel Acland-Troyte

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether those who do not eat bacon for religious reasons, such as Jews, are permitted to draw an increased butter ration; and whether this privilege can be extended to others who for reasons of health and taste are unable to eat it?

Mr. Morrison

I have carefully considered the position under the scheme for rationing bacon and butter of the special classes referred to, but I do not feel, having regard to the supplies of alternative foods available, that there is sufficient justification for exceptional treatment at present. With regard to invalids, I would refer to the reply which my hon. Friend gave to the hon. Member for Aberdare (Mr. George Hall) on 30th November.

Mr. George Griffiths

Does the answer which the right hon. Gentleman gave me three weeks ago still hold good, in view of the fact that a diabetic must have not less than two ounces of butter per day?

Mr. Morrison

Yes, Sir, that answer holds good, but the question of dealing with invalids is under consideration at the moment.

Lieut.-Colonel Acland-Troyte

Am I to understand that the whole question is under consideration and that further concessions may be given?

67. Mr. Woodburn

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what arrangements he is making for relaxation of strict rationing to meet cases of isolated cottagers throughout Scotland, liable to be storm-bound and unable at such times to draw their rations?

Mr. Morrison

I have at present under consideration the necessary arrangements to meet such cases as the hon. Member has in mind.

70. Mr. Graham White

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether, pending the coming into force of rationing, retailers will receive supplies of bacon, ham, and butter, in proportion to their pre-war ratio, or in proportion to the number of ration books now deposited with them?

Mr. Morrison

The allocations will be adjusted as rapidly as possible in accordance with the recent registration returns.

Mr. Paling

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that that is not much satisfaction to the people who are getting no bacon at all, that customers of the Doncaster Co-operative Society a fortnight ago got half a pound for three adults, and that last week most of them got none at all?

Mr. Morrison

I am not aware of the facts to which the hon. Member refers, but, as I said earlier, where the registration returns show that bacon is being allotted in quantities less than are required, every effort will be made as speedily as possible to make up the shortage.

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