HC Deb 03 August 1939 vol 350 cc2601-2
17. Mr. Kennedy

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that John Drummond, of 239, Links Street, Kirkcaldy, who recently joined the Militia, agreed to a deduction of 3s. 6d. weekly from his military pay, payable to his mother; that the War Office augmented by 13s. 6d. weekly; that the weekly allowance of Drummond's father has been reduced by the Unemployment Assistance Board by IIS. weekly on account of his son's Militia grant; and whether he will take steps to secure that this deduction is not made, in view of the voluntary deduction from Drummond's military pay and the nature of the War Office allowance?

Mr. E. Brown

I understand that before Mr. Drummond was called up for training the Board's allowance to his unemployed father was at the rate of 18s. 6d. per week, including 2s. for extra nourishment for his sister. The household consisted of, the father, his wife and an unemployed daughter and of Mr. Drummond himself, who was in work. The present allowance is at the rate of 23s. including the same 2s. which at present has been granted only up to 25th August, but will be continued if the circumstances justify it. The applicant's mother is of course receiving, in addition, the 3s. 6d. allotment and the grant of 13s. 6d. making a weekly total of 40s.

Mr. Kennedy

Do I understand that the Minister is satisfied with this treatment of the father, and that this was purely a matter of administration as far as the benefit was concerned?

Mr. Brown

If the hon. Gentleman will look at the way in which the applicant's father was treated before the allotment was made and after the son had enlisted, he will find that there was a rise of 9s.