82. Mr. David Adamsasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the lack of accurate vital and other statistical information in the West Indies; and whether he is taking the necessary steps to repair this deficiency?
§ The Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Malcolm MacDonald)I am aware that the existing machinery for the compilation of statistical information in the West Indies is defective in certain respects, since in the past such funds as the Colonial Administrations have had at their disposal have been devoted to work of a more urgent character. I am, however, fully alive to the desirability of improving the position in this respect as rapidly as financial circumstances permit.
§ Mr. RileyHas the Minister impressed upon the Jamaican Government the desirability of having a census of the population?
§ Mr. MacDonaldThe main considerations are set out in the answer to the question.