HC Deb 02 August 1939 vol 350 c2350
13. Mr. Lee

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he has considered the protest on behalf of the inhabitants of Frecheville, Sheffield, upon the low flying of a fast fighter aeroplane, probably a Spitfire, on the morning of Friday, 14th July, between the hours of 10 and 11, which skimmed over the tops of the houses in this populous area; that this is not the only instance of such low and dangerous flying; and what action does he proposed to take in the matter?

The Secretary of State for Air (Sir Kingsley Wood)

I have received a protest in regard to this matter and would like to express my regret for any inconvenience caused. Air exercises, arranged in conjunction with local authorities and anti-aircraft commanders, took place in certain districts on the 13th and 14th July and there was low cloud and poor visibility in the neighbourhood of Sheffield. It has not been possible to identify the aircraft concerned from the particulars furnished, but it is probable that the pilot was forced by the weather conditions to fly low. Every effort is made to avoid unnecessary risk or annoyance.

Mr. Crossley

Is my right hon. Friend aware of the very large number of low flying aeroplanes over London to-day?

Mr. Lee

Will the right hon. Gentleman remind himself of a similar question that I put to him about a month ago regarding the same district?