HC Deb 02 August 1939 vol 350 cc2352-3
22. Mr. Henderson Stewart

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that East Fife labourers, whose names had been submitted by the local Employment Exchanges for work on the extension of Leuchars aerodrome, have applied to but have been turned down by the contractors responsible for the work and labourers specially sent for from Eire engaged in their place; and whether, in view of the resentment of local workmen at this action and the danger of importing Irish Republican Army wreckers into a vital part of the national defence, he will give immediate instructions that local men shall have first claim upon all available jobs and that not until the claims of unemployed Scottish workmen have been fully considered shall any Southern Irishmen be retained upon or engaged in future for this or any similar undertakings initiated by the Air Ministry?

Sir K. Wood

Two contractors are at present carrying out work at Leuchars on behalf of my Department. In the one case out of a total of 130 men employed 39 are Irishmen, but I understand that all men sent by the local Employment Exchange were accepted. In regard to the other firm it has not been possible to complete inquiries, but I understand that out of a total of 400 employed only 20 are Irishmen. As I informed my hon. Friend the Member for Stroud (Mr. Perkins) on 8th March last, Air Ministry contractors are required to notify the appropriate Employment Exchange of the additional labour required to carry out their contracts.

Mr. Stewart

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that information has reached me to-day that a further 50 Irish labourers had been engaged during the week and that further local men have been discharged without any reason; that preference is always given to Irish labourers for short piece rates, and that the common opinion is that local labour will eventually be supplanted by Irish labour? Is the right hon. Gentleman prepared to tolerate that position?

Sir K. Wood

No, Sir, but I cannot accept the last statement of the hon. Member. As regards his other statement, if he will let me have particulars I will certainly investigate them.