HC Deb 26 April 1939 vol 346 cc1122-3
29. Mr. David Adams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what progress has been made in absorbing unemployed workers in Jamaica by land settlement schemes; and whether, as some millions of acres of suitable land are in the possession of a few hundred persons, he will secure a more rapid development of the above remedial measures?

The Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald)

With regard to the first part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the statistics of land settlement schemes completed and under consideration in Jamaica, given by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Dominions on 29th March in reply to a question by the hon. Member for Dewsbury (Mr. Riley). With regard to the second part of the question, I am satisfied that the Government of Jamaica is fully aware of the need for land settlement and is proceeding as fast as is practicable, having regard to the very considerable amount of detailed preparation which is essential to the successful carrying out of such schemes.

Mr. Adams

I take it that the Minister is well aware of the seething discontent in Jamaica among the unemployed?

Mr. MacDonald

We are making as rapid progress as we can with the schemes.

Mr. Hicks

When is the right hon. Gentleman likely to receive the report from the commission which was recently sent to the West Indies?

Mr. MacDonald

That is another question. Perhaps the hon. Member will put it down.

Mr. Stephen

Is it proposed to conscript the unemployed in order to protect the property of the people who are exploiting them?

42. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can state the extent of land actually acquired for land settlement by the Government of Jamaica since May, 1938; the number of individual settlers actually settled on this land to date; and further, whether he has now received a copy of the scheme under which these settlements are being made and, if so, will he have a copy placed in the Library of the House?

Mr. MacDonald

I have no information beyond that given to the hon. Member in the reply to his question on 29th March: but I am asking further inquiry of the Governor.

Mr. Riley

In view of the uncertainty which prevails with regard to land settlement, will the right hon. Gentleman ascertain the extent of the land actually acquired for land settlement by the Government of Jamaica since May, 1938, and will he also reply to the second part of the question, as to whether a copy of the scheme will be placed in the Library?

Mr. MacDonald

With regard to the first part of the supplementary question, it is on that point that I am making fresh inquiries, and with regard to the second part, as soon as we have received the plan in its final form, I will see that a copy is placed in the Library.