HC Deb 25 April 1939 vol 346 c939
10. Mr. W. Joseph Stewart

asked the Secretary for Mines whether anything has been done by the interests concerned to promote a scheme for the draining of the waterlogged coal measures in South-West Durham, where over 13,000,000 tons of coal are submerged?

Mr. Lloyd

The discussions referred to by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour, in reply to a question by the hon. Member on 2nd March, are still proceeding.

Mr. Stewart

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that these waterlogged areas are a serious menace to the men working there; and is the Mines Department satisfied that these millions of tons of coal should be lost?

Mr. Lloyd

I would remind the hon. Member that my powers in this matter are only powers to persuade a reluctant minority.

Mr. Stewart

Is it not possible for the hon. Gentleman to speed up the interests concerned with a view to reclamation in this area?

Mr. Lloyd

The deputy-chairman of the Coal Commission has recently made an investigation into this matter on the spot.

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