That in lieu of the duties of excise now chargeable on tobacco grown in the United Kingdom there shall, on and after the twenty-sixth day of April, nineteen hundred and thirty-nine, be charged the following duties, that is to say:
Upon tobacco unmanufactured, viz., | s. | d. |
containing 10 lbs. or more of moisture in every 100 lbs. weight thereof the lb. | 9 | 3½ |
containing less than 10 lbs. of moisture in every 100 lbs. weight thereof the lb. | 10 | 0⅞ |
Upon tobacco manufactured, viz., | ||
Cavendish or Negrohead manufactured in bond the lb. | 11 | 4⅞ |
and so in proportion for any less quantity. |
§ And it is hereby declared that it is expedient in the public interest that this Resolution shall have statutory effect under the provisions of the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 1913."