HC Deb 25 April 1939 vol 346 cc952-3
25. Mr. Benjamin Smith

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware of the large number of defects reported by port medical officers of health under the headings of insufficient heating, defective stoves, stove-pipes, radiators, and steam-heaters; and whether any special attention is being given by his Department to the problem of providing adequate heating arrangements in crews' quarters and maintaining them in a proper state of efficiency?

Mr. Cross

The whole question of the heating of crew accommodation was fully considered by all concerned when the crew space instructions of September, 1937, were drawn up. Under existing arrangements, cases of insufficient and defective heating found by officers of the port health authorities are notified to the local Board of Trade Surveyors, who take appropriate action in each case in the light of the current crew space instructions.

Mr. Smith

Will the hon. Gentleman say what "appropriate action" means?

Mr. Cross

Where structural defects are found, action must be taken to remedy them.

Mr. Smith

Will the hon. Gentleman be advised by me, when I say that in fact ships, after reporting, do leave these ports without any notification of their port of destination?

Mr. Cross

If the hon. Member has particular information on that point, I shall be glad if he will let me have it.

30. Mr. Smith

asked the President of the Board of Trade the number of vessels registered in this country in which mess-rooms are provided for the crews?

Mr. Cross

I regret that this information is not in the possession of the Board of Trade.

Mr. Smith

Will the hon. Gentleman undertake to supply this information at some future date?

Mr. Cross

That would involve an amount of labour which would be quite unnecessary, in view of the information which would be obtained.

Mr. Smith

Is it not the fact that no amount of work would be wasted which provided information about the shipping of this country?