HC Deb 24 April 1939 vol 346 cc788-9
68. Mr. McEntee

asked the Home Secretary whether it is proposed to increase the strength of police forces in those areas where, owing to additional duties imposed on police officers through air-raid precautions and traffic problems, there is a shortage of personnel, necessitating long hours of work and the sacrifice of the weekly rest-day?

Mr. Peake

My right hon. Friend recently asked all police authorities to review the strength of their forces, bearing in mind particularly the burden of additional work imposed upon the police by air-raid precautions and other emergency work; as a result of this review, there has been a general increase in police establishments.

Mr. Lipson

Will the grant to local authorities be based on air-raid precaution work or on ordinary police work?

Mr. Peake

That is quite a separate question from the one on the Order Paper.

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