HC Deb 24 April 1939 vol 346 cc756-7
4. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Prime Minister what was the subject of discussion between the British Ambassadors to China and Japan in their recent meeting at Shanghai; and what was the object of the subsequent visit of the Ambassador to China to Marshal Chiang Kai Chek at Chungking?

The Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Butler)

His Majesty's Ambasador at Tokyo made his recent trip to Shanghai with the primary object of taking a short period of local leave. During the few days that he spent there he took the opportunity to compare notes on a number of questions of common interest with His Majesty's Ambassador to China. The latter is at present paying one of his regular routine visits to the headquarters of the Government to which he is accredited, and no special significance need be attached to this.

Mr. Gallacher

Are not the Government prepared to make an open declaration in support of the heroic Chinese in their fight against the Japanese invasion?

Mr. Butler

I think that the general atitude of His Majesty's Government is well known.

Mr. Thorne

Does the Ambassador make any report as to the way in which the Chinese are pushing back the Japanese?

Mr. Butler

We have received reports from our Ambassador—

Mr. Speaker
