HC Deb 18 April 1939 vol 346 cc154-6
26. Colonel Sandeman Allen

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the pro posed sale to Germany of the steamers "Laleham," "Peckham," and "Meopham"; and whether, in view of his recent pronouncement on British shipping, he will take steps to stop this sale?

27. Mr. Thorne

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can give any information in connection with the selling of three British ships, the Laleham," "Peckham," and the "Meopham," with a carrying capacity of 24,000 tons, to a German firm; and what action he intends taking about the matter?

31. Mr. Pickthorn

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can give the House any information about the sale to German owners of the steamships "Laleham," "Peckham," and "Meopham"; and about the personal control of the Alpha and Apex steamship companies which sold them?

Mr. Stanley

I am informed that the sale of these three ships to German owners has been completed and the British registers closed, and that it is the intention of the sellers to build at least one new vessel in replacement in this country. Representatives of the company were informed on two occasions that while the Board of Trade had no power to prevent the transfer of British merchant ships to foreign flags, the Board would prefer that ships of this kind should, in present circumstances, remain under the British flag. Although the Board of Trade have, at present, no power to prevent the sale of British ships to foreigners, it will be made a condition of the assistance proposed for the shipping industry that any vessels which the owners may wish to scrap or to sell to foreign buyers shall be offered to the Government in connection with the scheme for a reserve of tonnage. I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the directors of the Alpha Steamship Company, Limited, and of the Apex Steamship Company, Limited.

Colonel Sandeman Allen

Is my right hon. Friend prepared to see that no assistance is given by the Government to this Alpha Company in the building of the new ship?

Mr. Stanley

That is certainly a point that I shall have in mind.

Mr. Thorne

Were the three ships in question offered for sale to the Government?

Mr. Stanley

Until legislation is passed not only is there no compulsion on shipowners to offer ships, but I have no power to accept them. In other instances where shipowners have had offers from abroad and have approached the Board of Trade, on being informed that we should prefer that, in existing circumstances and especially in view of, we hope, the passing by this House of legislation allowing this reserve of tonnage, the ships should remain on the British register, in those cases they have acceded to our request.

Mr. Thorne

Am I to understand then that you have no power and no authority to purchase these ships?

Mr. Stanley

We have no power to purchase these ships. I gave an indication to the House in my statement the other day that we desired the authority of this House to create such power, but until the Bill is passed into law, we have, of course, no authority to do it.

Mr. Mander

Will the right hon. Gentleman give the names of the owners of these ships?

Mr. Stanley

I have said that I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the directors.

Mr. Craven-Ellis

Is it not a fact that something like 90 per cent, of the capital of the companies which sold these ships is foreign owned?

Mr. Stanley

I could not give an answer offhand, but I believe the capital is largely British.

Sir John Haslam

Why not give the names now, so as to give the necessary publicity and so that they can get in the evening papers?

Mr. Stanley

No doubt the evening papers will be able to get them in time.

Hon. Members

Read them out.

Mr. Stanley

There are two companies concerned, one of which owns two of the ships, and one the other. The directors of the Alpha Steamship Company, Limited, the former owners of the steamships "Laleham" and "Peck-ham," are H. B. Logan (British), A. B. Peck (British), and E. Geraci (naturalised British subject). The directors of the Apex Steamship Company, Limited, the former owners of the steamship "Meopham," are H. B. Logan (British), E. Geraci (naturalised British subject), and Sir Ian Stewart-Richardson (British).

Mr. Dalton

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider withdrawing the naturalisation of this person?