HC Deb 05 April 1939 vol 345 cc2789-90
78. Mr. Neil Maclean

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that determinations of unemployment are being issued with the determination back-dated a fortnight, and that the space in the form for the date of its issue is left blank; that this practice is likely to deprive the applicant of his, or her, right of appeal as the date when he received it cannot be proved, whether he will issue instructions that this practice should cease; and that all such forms must contain the actual date of issue, and be signed or initialled by the officials who issue them?

Mr. E. Brown

The standing instructions provide that the date on which a determination is issued is to be filled in and if in any instance that has not been done the omission must be due to an oversight. If the hon. Member is aware of any such cases and cares to let me know, I will have inquiries made. I am assured by the Board that so far as they know no difficulties with regard to the exercise of rights of appeal have arisen from such omission.

Mr. Maclean

Will the right hon. Gentleman issue instructions so that this practice which has grown up is stopped?

Mr. Brown

I am sure that it must have been an omission or oversight, but I will make sure.