HC Deb 03 April 1939 vol 345 c2435
30. Mr. De la Bèere

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in connection with the proposed restrictions on the quality of wheat offal to be imported, he will take precautions to ensure that pig and poultry feeders are not compelled to pay an increased price for their feeding-stuffs as a result of the operations of the price-fixing associations?

Sir R. Dorman-Smith

I am not aware of any proposals to restrict the quality of imported wheat offals. My hon. Friend may have in mind the new definition of wheat offals contained in the Wheat (Amendment) Bill, but I am advised that under this definition, which applies to the home-produced and the imported article alike, wheat offals of the quality normally produced or imported to-day, will continue to escape liability for quota payment if destined for livestock, and my hon. Friend's question does not, therefore, arise.

Mr. De la Bère

Cannot my right hon. and gallant Friend give some explanation to the House of the high cost of feeding-stuffs as compared with the low prices for pigs and poultry?

Sir R. Dorman-Smith

That is another question.

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