HC Deb 30 November 1938 vol 342 cc384-5
3. Mr. Mander

asked the Prime Minister whether the British Government have approved the plan for a motor-highway to be built between Silesia and Austria across Czechoslovakia, such highway to become German territory, in view of the fact that such proposal was not contemplated in the Munich Agreement and was one of the proposals in the pre-Munich plans of the Reich Government which was dropped owing to British opposition?

Mr. Butler

No, Sir. I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given on Monday to my hon. Friends the Members for Thornbury (Sir D. Gunston) and Widnes (Mr. Pilkington). I know of no foundation for the statement made at the end of his question.

Mr. Mander

May I take it that the statement in the "Times" to that effect is entirely incorrect?

Mr. Butler

The hon. Gentleman may take my statement as correct.

Mr. A. V. Alexander

Will the Under-Secretary have another look at the "Times" of 23rd November, where it was there described by the Berlin correspondent as being part of the Munich plan and of the pre-Munich plan of the German Government?

Mr. Butler

I will certainly be glad to look at the "Times" in question.

8. Mr. Bellenger

asked the Prime Minister whether he will publish as a White Paper the final delimitation of the frontiers between the German Reich and Czechoslovakia as confirmed by the Commission of Ambassadors, together with a map showing the changes beyond the 10th October line?

Mr. Butler

Yes, Sir.

26. Mr. Noel-Baker

asked the Prime Minister whether, as the cession to Germany of a corridor 40 miles long and 60 yards wide for the purpose of the construction of a military road from Breslau to Vienna is inconsistent with the neutrality of the Czechoslovak Republic in time of war, he will say what action he proposes to take and how the United Kingdom's guarantee of the frontiers of Czechoslovakia is affected?

Mr. Butler

On the basis of such information as is in my possession, I am not in a position to confirm the assumption in the hon. Member's question and I would refer him to the reply to my hon. Friends, the hon. and gallant Member for Thornbury (Sir D. Gunston) and the hon. Member for Widnes (Mr. Pilkington) on 28th November, to which I have at present nothing to add.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Does it mean that this corridor is not to be German territory as we have been informed?

Mr. Butler

We have not received final information on the matter.

Mr. H. C. Williams

On a point of Order. Having regard to the Rules of the House which do not allow an hon. Member to ask more than three questions, is there any limit, having regard to the interests of other hon. Members, as to the number of supplementary questions which can be asked in circumstances which deprive a large number of hon. Members of an opportunity of asking a question?

Mr. Speaker

I have always taken the view and have said so on more than one occasion that the putting of supplementary questions is a matter within my discretion.

Mr. Bellenger

Is it in order for an hon. Member to question the discretion of the Chair in a matter of this sort?

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member is in order in putting the point.