HC Deb 29 November 1938 vol 342 cc226-7
23. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has given consideration to the report prepared by the Council for Art and Industry in which they point out the absence in London of any comprehensive exhibition of modern industrial production; has consideration been given to the memorandum prepared by the council on the need for an industrial art centre; and what steps have been taken, or are contemplated, to carry out the recommendations made?

The President of the Board of Trade (Mr. Oliver Stanley)

I have considered the report to which the hon. Member refers. The council's proposal involved the provision of funds partly from private and partly from public sources; and, after discussion with the council, it has been decided to defer further action until conditions are more favourable.

Mr. T. Johnston

Will the right hon. Gentleman take steps to provide, in the Library or elsewhere, the very valuable reports which this council publishes from time to time, and which appear to be hidden from the public view?

Mr. Stanley

I will consider that.