74. Mr. David Adamsasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education what steps the Government propose to take to carry out the recommendations of the committee of inquiry into problems relating to children with defective hearing, and, in particular, if steps are being taken for the establishment of schemes for the treatment of ear diseases and defective hearing as a branch of the school medical service of local education authorities; and whether these schemes include the provision of outpatient treatment and facilities for hospital treatment?
Mr. LindsayThe Board are in general agreement with the recommendations of the committee and are now considering what steps are necessary to give effect to them. About one-half of the local education authorities are known to have schemes for the treatment of ear diseases and defective hearing. These schemes comprise arrangements either for the services of visiting specialists at aural clinics, or for the provision at hospitals of inpatient or out-patient treatment. The Board drew attention to the need for expert treatment of car disease by these methods in Circular 1444, published in January, 1936.
Mr. AdamsCan the hon. Member say when the Board expect to come to a definite decision in the matter?