HC Deb 24 November 1938 vol 341 cc1915-6
7. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will receive a deputation from the Hornchurch Council to discuss their proposal for building a temporary Employment Exchange on a suitable site in the town; and, if not, whether he has any other site in view on which work can start immediately?

Mr. E. Brown

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to him on 10th November last. I think he is fully aware of the difficulties in finding suitable accommodation in existing premises, and he will be glad to know that in view of these difficulties my hon. Friend the First Commissioner of Works is considering urgently the erection of a new building in the locality. In the circumstances, I do not think that a deputation would serve any useful purpose.

Mr. Parker

Is the Minister aware that the Hornchurch Council have found a site which they think reasonable, and that they recommended it to the Ministry, but that so far the Ministry have given no decision on that site?

Mr. Brown

That may be so, but, as the hon. Member knows, this is not a matter for me alone, but for me in conjunction with the First Commissioner of Works. We are dealing with the matter urgently.

Mr. Parker

Would not the visit of a deputation enable the difficulty to be gone into and a way out found?

Mr. Brown

I do not think so. I think we can ascertain all the facts without them. If on further inquiry I find further information necessary, I will communicate with the hon. Member.