HC Deb 21 November 1938 vol 341 cc1330-1
35. Mr. Day

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department the number and value of motor cars of British or United States manufacture imported into Argentina and Brazil during the 12 months ended at the last available date?

Mr. R. S. Hudson (Secretary, Overseas Trade Department)

As the answer involves a table of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Day

Have the enormous differences that have existed been brought to the notice of British motor car manufacturers?

Mr. Hudson

Yes, I have done it myself?

Following is the answer:

the pottery industry in preparation for the New York world fair?

Mr. R. S. Hudson

Representative associations in the trade have already been consulted.

37. Mr. Smith

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he can make a statement on the Government's policy in preparation for the New York world fair; will he consider the need for special cheap facilities to be arranged in order that the maximum number of British people can visit the fair; and will he arrange for films to be made of the development in Britain during the past 10 years and include municipal enterprise, model estates and factories, Wythenshawe and other places of interest, in preparation for the British section of the New York world fair?

Mr. Hudson

I am endeavouring to arrange for the most satisfactory representation possible, in all the circumstances, of this country's achievements and activities. I understand that the British shipping companies will make available at a reduced rate monthly excursion tickets during certain periods of the Fair. The suggestion in the last part of the question has been noted.

Mr. Henderson Stewart

May I ask why a number of documentary films of Scotland recently completed, which are highly regarded by the trade, are not to be shown at this important exhibition?

Mr. Hudson

I was not aware of that fact. The answer is that they were not considered suitable. I will have the question looked into.