HC Deb 16 November 1938 vol 341 cc852-4
26. Mr. Price

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that in Tanganyika German planters are heavily subsidised by the Government of the Reich and, therefore, able to compete on unfair terms with planters of other nationalities; that German Government credit is being used to buy up the land of non-Germans and that, in general, the German community is becoming a totalitarian State within another State; and whether he intends to take any action in the matter?

Mr. M. MacDonald

I am aware of the statements which have recently been made on this subject, and I am asking the Governor to furnish me with the facts. Until I receive them I am not in a position to consider what action should he taken.

Mr. Thorne

Are German planters in Tanganyika allowed to sell their own produce in their own way without any interference from anybody?

Mr. MacDonald

I think that no restrictions beyond formal restrictions are put upon them or anybody else.

Mr. Thorne

Is it not true that a German company is operating in Tanganyika through which all these planters have to sell their produce?

Mr. MacDonald

I am asking the Governor to let me have a full report of the facts so that I can consider the situation.

Mr. Paling

Will that report include information as to the intensive Nazi propaganda going on in the Colony?

Mr. MacDonald

I am asking for a full report.

Mr. Price

Has the right hon. Gentleman received any representations direct from the planters of Tanganyika?

Mr. MacDonald

I have received communications from one or two individuals in the Colony, and as a result of these communications and also as a result of the hon. Member's question, I am making inquiries.

42. Mr. Leslie

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, as the result of the anxieties expressed at the last Session of the Permanent Mandates Commission, any steps are proposed to deal with the health conditions of the Lupa goldfield in Tanganyika?

Nationality. Number of Holdings. Leasehold Acres. Freehold Acres. Total Acres.
British (Other than British Indian or South African Dutch). 493 380,410 269,811 650,221
British Indian 349 152,347 162,955 315,302
South African Dutch 47 27,493 21,437 48,930
German 546 332,162 118,367 450,529
Greek 226 96,644 109,360 206,004

At the end of 1935, the total European community was estimated to be 8,455, which included 2,665 Germans. The total of domestic exports in 1935 was £3,445,143. 68.6 per cent. of the total was exported to the British Empire. The total area of the Territory is about 360,000 square miles, which includes about 20,000 square miles of water.

Mr. MacDonald

I would refer the hon. Member to my answer to a similar question by the hon. Member for Shipley (Mr. Creech Jones) on 13th July in which I gave an account of steps recently taken. I have no doubt that the Government of Tanganyika will bear carefully in mind the views expressed by the Permanent Mandates Commission and that they will consider, in the light of those views, what further measures can be taken to improve health conditions in the Lupa goldfields area.

48. Mr. Thorne

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many land holdings there were in Tanganyika in 1935; how many were British, German, Indian and Greek, respectively; what was the European and German population; what were the total exports; what amount of that export trade went to the British Empire; and what is the square mileage of Tanganyika?

Mr. MacDonald

As the reply contains a large number of statistics, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

The holdings of alienated agricultural and pastoral land, as at 31st December, 1935, numbered 2,317, covering a total of 1,930,992 acres alienated. 1,123,674 acres were held under lease and 807,318 acres were freehold.

The British, German, Indian and Greek holdings were as follow: