HC Deb 03 November 1938 vol 340 cc367-8
45. Mr. Cary

asked the Prime Minister whether the Committee of Imperial Defence is now engaged upon a complete review of the whole position in regard to the naval and military security of the British Isles and, in particular, the reexamination of the intrinsic nature of the staff talks which take place between ourselves and the French Government, with a view to any revision which may be deemed necessary to meet new conditions?

The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir John Simon)

The Committee of Imperial Defence keep under constant review the whole position in regard to the naval and military security of the British Isles; and, as the House already knows, a searching examination of every aspect of our defence arrangements is now proceeding in the light of the experience gained during the recent crisis.

Mr. Cary

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the whole of the German fortifications in the West are to be extended so as to include Aachen and the Saar; and has any consultation taken place with the French Government to counter this move on the part of the German Government, which is in direct contradiction of the great policy of appeasement, in which the three Governments are engaged?

Sir J. Simon

The hon. Member raises questions of detail on a very important matter and I am afraid I could not deal with them in answer to a supplementary question. As I have already said, every aspect of the defence of this country is under constant consideration by the Committee of Imperial Defence.

Sir A. Knox

Will this general survey be completed before the next war?