HC Deb 30 May 1938 vol 336 cc1647-8
44. Mr. Roland Robinson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education what progress has been made following the conference of teachers, representatives of local authorities, and his Department concerning the spread-over of school holidays?

Captain Dugdale (Lord of the Treasury)

I have been asked to reply. The conference to which my hon. Friend refers reached the conclusion that there would be no great difficulty in arranging for school holidays to fit in with industrial holidays. Apart from details such as the most suitable date for external examinations, a matter which is at present under consideration, further progress on the educational side must await consideration of the question of spreading over industrial holidays.

Mr. Robinson

Can the hon. and gallant Member say whether the Department has definitely accepted the recommendation of the committee with regard to the spread-over of holidays?

Captain Dugdale

Perhaps the hon. Member will put that question down.

Mr. Harvey

Has the Vice-Chancellor's committee been consulted with respect to examinations?

Captain Dugdale

I will make inquiries and let the hon. Member know.

46. Mr. R. Robinson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether he has considered the advantages of the American educational system whereby a long summer vacation, beginning in June, is given in order that school children may have their holidays in good weather, while the winter vacations, when the weather is less favourable for outdoor exercise, are short; and whether he will consider such a scheme as a contribution to the spread-over of holidays throughout the summer months?

Captain Dugdale

My Noble Friend doubts whether such an arrangement would be more beneficial to school children than the present practice. Moreover, to extend the school summer holidays in the hopes that such extension would facilitate the spread-over of industrial holidays would be to reverse the procedure recommended in the report of the Committee on Holidays with Pay, namely, that school holidays should, as far as possible, be so arranged as to fit in with industrial holidays.