§ 139. Mr. Thurtleasked the Home Secretary what items of expenditure of the Metropolitan Police service were omitted from the total expenditure of £9,400,000 recorded on page 107 of the Civil Appropriation Accounts, 1936, which led him to calculate the total expenditure for the period in question as being £8,700,000; and whether similar items were omitted in arriving at the figure of £2,700,000 as the total expenditure of the Metropolitan Police service for the year ended 31st March, 1913?
§ Sir S. HoareNo items of expenditure on the police service were omitted, but only those relating to the Metropolitan Police Courts, the probation service and costs in criminal cases. The figure of £8,700,000 is arrived at by excluding these and deducting the receipts shown under subheads "C" and "M" of the account and some £3,800 of the receipts shown under "N." The answer to the last part of the question is in the affirmative.