HC Deb 24 May 1938 vol 336 cc1041-2
70. Mr. Shinwell

asked the President of the Board of Trade the number and total tonnage of foreign coasting vessels trading between United Kingdom ports?

Mr. Stanley

The precise number of foreign vessels engaged in the British coasting trade during any year is not known, since the navigation returns furnished to the Board of Trade include the repeated voyages of the vessels concerned. These returns show that during the year 1937 the aggregate of the arrivals and departures with cargo of foreign vessels in the coasting trade of the United Kingdom was 4,262 vessels and 835,000 tons net.

Mr. Shinwell

Do the figures indicate an increase?

Mr. Stanley

Yes, Sir; there was a very slight increase. for the first four months of 1937 the percentage was 1.8 and for the first four months of 1938 it was 1.9.

71. Mr. Shinwell

asked the President of the Board of Trade the manning regulations on foreign coasting vessels trading between United Kingdom ports; and how these regulations compare with those laid down by the National Maritime Board?

Mr. Stanley

The hon. Member will find certain information in the reports of the International Labour Office on Hours of Work on Board Ship and Manning, published in 1935 and 1936, and I doubt whether it is practicable to get any better information on what is a very local and varied activity of shipping.

Mr. Shinwell

Are not the manning regulations for foreign coasters at a low level compared with our vessels?

Mr. Stanley

That is very hard to determine, because conditions vary so much as between one kind of coasting ship and another. The hon. Gentleman did ask a question, and I did refer him to the attempts that have been made to obtain information.

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